Sunday, November 10, 2013

Like This

A day that reminds you of what you dreamed,
that life would be like this:
leaves on a path under bicycle wheels. 

I remember being young,
when the wooly bear would tell you
precisely how long the winter would be. 

You memorized the clouds
like a song you hoped 
would rise in your mind at dawn,

for the part of you that’s given to sound:
all you thought before everything else, 
the sense of stillness when you stared at the sky,

that life would be like this,
if you could last just long enough. 

                                                Cheryl Emerson


  1. This and "Solitude" will be working on me for some time to come . . . .
    Meanwhile, Cheryl, they inspired me to draft the following aphorism:

    Every philosopher has her day,
    But the poet owns tomorrow’s yesterdays.
