Friday, July 20, 2012

All that was given

. . . assumptions of place immobilize
there is no place,
just resting points
where you catch your breath
     Saturdays I sleep
     but something called me early.
     The dropping on leaves was gentle.
     I stood where the rain could drop on me too.

regardless of language acquisition.
This is why foreign travel
is to be discouraged.
if you plan to return
your language
leaves you
out of place. 
     A cardinal built outside my window
     with no understanding of windows,
     that it was watched:
     the hatching of offspring
     I tried to look gently,
     Wishing not to disturb

I must have built outside a window
not understanding how carefully
I was watched
I can't see the eyes looking back
I wish to gesture something rude
but don't because of what it is . . . 

     She didn't linger
     She'll build again in the spring.

"...something we will potentially have to live with,
throughout the whole thing,"

     Peace is easy in the clouds
     Remembering other places clouds have been
     It is, after all, the same sky
     And the colors in the morning--

(ingratitude is heavy
Like a sin
I fail to love
All that was given
in the rain)
     We slip into easy clothing
      Time never wears the same day twice
      (It was the best yard for children.)

Trying not to count the time remaining
Seeking permission from . . .
Asking the universe maybe,
Hoping I'll know
How to leave a place
and when?  

      I keep the grass mowed
      Holding in trust for the next layer
      Of running and laughing
      Needing the best yard
      too large for me

      If time were something different . . .
       If we could hear them all at once . . .  

Forced in honesty to tell the child
It's safer not to speak,
If she could only wait--
She'll be safer elsewhere,
The definitions that cling
to the innocent trees
of this place
     Peace is easy in the clouds,
     And the colors in the morning,
     Especially on days I generally sleep . . .

Where we are
supposed to be.

July, 2012

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