Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Moth hour

Houses on the night street
Acquiesce to wings of moths
Silent on the window screen.  

Something in the green of their wings,
Decorated Argus eyes
And no mouths to speak 

                                                        Asking questions I cannot answer,
                                                                           Not at this hour, where it’s gone:
                                                                           The done and left undone, 

Commissions and omissions
Our moments of silence kneeling
Not as sins but dim regrets 

I have no answer for the moth,
But the kitchen at least is clean,
Plastic over the cake and coffee set to brew. 

Small acts of hope as the blanket descends,
The unearthly song of summer cicadas
Too early this year, 

Blamed, of course, on a winter
Unseasonably warm.

                                                                                    July, 2012

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