“Strange plan: why this abundance of finality?”
--Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Passivity Course Notes (129).
what can never not have happened
caught in nets
of autonomous nerves
doing what they do.
Mornings are cold.
Blankets make a small pocket
for feet.
I stay a little longer,
pocketed and small.
What was the plan?
Something about waiting.
The carpet is thick now,
patterns lost or about to appear.
The weaves loosen at night,
Arabian carpets
higher than mortars,
or prayer rugs
bringing stories for children.
Best not to interpret.
Tugging at threads
could start a whole unravelling.
You want the knots to hold,
tangled for a reason:
to live in awe of the indestructible.
Crumbled buildings
draw skylines
that even in rubble
hold their place.
hold their place.
Adumbrations speak
the shape of happenings,
catastrophes of birth
and remembrance
better than abundant endings,
restless nights,
more presence than we can possibly imagine
ceaselessly here
and so long ago.
September, 2014