Wednesday, March 21, 2012

canto della marea

Brightening skies pull against sleep
Still rocking on the outbound tide
Yearning for the far beyond
All dreams, the land Original
And wild,
Where what we know began
And where knowledge will end
The still sleep rocking
On the outbound waves
Forgetful, washing clean
Accumulated thoughts dissolving
Reasons we might have had
To wake. 

Blueness stirring at the sleep
As the shifting sea reclaims the sand
Foam reaching fingers to gather shells
Of night
Assuring a clean day
Ready for the rhythm and footprints
Of feet running the beach.
The water restores us to land,
Our outward journey fades.
We can’t recall how we arrived
Or when, exactly,
Except that travels cease, eventually,
And where we empty our bags,
We call it “home”
To anchor ourselves against the outbound tide 

That at sunset stirs again,
Tugs against the day
We hold against the sleep
Where again we’ll forget
Why it is we wake. 

                                                                   March 21, 2012

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