Sunday, September 30, 2012


Roadways pull these restless years,
Late summer burning early gold
On the evening leaves,
Open door weather at last
Setting the boxed air free.  

September is the time for travels,
After the bending and unbending
Of hot August, the humid dreams
Spent in stealth of night,
Dried by sunrise, nothing left to cool the day.  

You front the day—
How many fronted now?
Tolerate discomfort, discontent, until
You cease to mark the lack
Of meals filling hunger sharply felt,  

Neither the meal nor the hunger
For so long now of any note—
The dulling of the Life—
Until the surprise of a scent
Of supper in someone else’s home  

Reminds you it’s dark,
You walk the neighborhood alone.
These are stars beginning to burn,
This brightness is the moon, 

With crossing clouds
That smell of the sea.  


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