Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Summer Boy

 The boy of the swimming pool
With shocking dark hair
So dark it always shined as if wet 
Like a bit of night
Rising in the pool,
Pale arms and penetrating eyes 
Behind glasses taking in
From where you seemed to stand apart,
In the elementary classroom 
Where you sat apart,
Penetrating eyes I hoped would see
Yet not, that I was not a girl to be seen, 
Not truly, not perceived—
Truth being awkward then,
And you of all were likely to see 
I feigned the girl
Stepping through the forms
Expected, children of our age— 
Now everyone’s so young here.
You are so young here,
The boy I hold of you, 
Never my summer boy—
I wasn’t deserving of summer boys,
Only kept the forms expected, 
Girls of my age who couldn’t stay,
In homes we couldn’t speak of
And you of all were likely to see— 
I don’t recall if it stormed that day,
But thickets of blackberries
Lined the fields 
Down the lane
I raced my bicycle home,
Knowing I wouldn’t be back— 
The water too clean,
Your hair shining of night,
Truth being awkward then. 
Bonnyview Elementary School
Mr. Davis' 6th Grade Class
Redding, CA, 1973

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