Tuesday, July 2, 2013


What we trace on cobbled streets
like ink patterns, reproduced,
blankets of remembrance muffling shapes, 

these fossil formations, imprints of absence
like museum lives
we tour in whispers:
only postcards in a dusty box
gathered by names that are lost
because nothing was written, no stamp, 

only yellowed Niagara still falling
in antique shops we sift like shell pickers
in old buildings carefully kept 

or warehouse ruins and faded signs,
their dim light at night
resembling music, 

sounds lifting like air
when the moon shapes a mountain
cresting clouds blue from the dark. 

We sat in a corner window
with a view of the river
where birds tossed like leaves 

landing in tatters on a monument
done in marble and brick,
scarcely touching before gusting in circles again, 

black in the sky,
flashing silver when they turned.

                                                                             Cheryl Emerson

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